If you’ve already taken our GRRR class, you have an understanding of canine body language, and managing your dog. But one thing we’ve heard over and over is that surprise situations can ruin your whole day. A dog or strange person hidden behind a shrub or corner can set you back weeks. We hear you. And we’re here to help.
Maybe you haven’t taken a reactive dog class, because your dog’s issues are more environmental, or you have specific settings like a dogsport arena, or you really haven’t had problems, but just want a little more connection with your dog… well, this class can help too!
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that change is confusing and scary. So we’ve designed a class to teach you and your dog various patterns to fall back on when life gets a little overwhelming. Step out of an elevator into a new dog? Going around a busy corner and not sure what’s there? Even competing at a busy sporting event? Change blows our minds. These patterns show us some things are the same – they give us safety.
The $200 class takes place over four weeks and does add on to the previous week’s lessons. Once you’ve completed the initial instruction, you’re welcome to repeat as often as you’d like, as we can mix and match games and challenges for more fun and learning each week! Please let us know you’re interested by completing the form here:
Please note: because of the nature of this class, we do ask that students either be graduates of our reactive program, from other schools we know and trust, or have no issues working around other dogs. Your dog must be able to function around other dogs at a distance approximately the equivalent to across a city street. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about this, or if you feel your dog isn’t ready for learning at this level of exposure to other dogs, check out our online version, Universal Remote