Your dog needs a chance to decompress from life in the city just like you do. Maybe even more – the noises of traffic, surprises of strange dogs around corners, and the smells of …. well, everything in the city, can all be overwhelming and lead to stress and ill manners.
But if you’re like most people, you’re probably just sort of hanging on to your own life as it is, and driving Daisy out to the wilderness for a break just isn’t always possible.

Our Oscar Winning Trainers can give you the best of both worlds – a more relaxed, enriched dog, and a little more time on your hands since you don’t have to drive to the country to get it. Your pup gets some peace and quiet, with lots of healthy smells and sights, tiring exercise, and a break from their crate for the day. You get some peace too, knowing Rover is in good hands and you won’t come up to a pent up pup with too much energy!
Wild Walks can supplement the potty break walks you do morning and evening with your dog, and are a great fit for rounding out the weeks of Matinee training where you don’t need complete schooling for your dog, but still want them to have some mental time-outs from city life.
Walks start at $50/hour but locations and distances can be negotiated individually. E-Mail for details!