Committed to scientific, force-free, humane methods, Oscar Winning Behavior promises to adhere to the LIMA methodology – Least Invasive, Minimally Aversive. These methods are proactive and modern instead of punitive and old-fashioned. This means that we work hard not to frighten, intimidate, or unnecessarily stress you or your pets!

Reach us at
or 443-516-7227
(that’s 443-51-OSCAR)
or find our information on any of our affiliated organizations below.
We encourage our clients to ask three questions of anyone they consider having work with their pets. These questions were first established by Jean Donaldson, and are:
- What will happen to my pet if he gets it right?
When Oscar Winners get it right, they get something they want! That could be food, toys, snuggles, or a chance to do something else. We pay our learners for how hard they’ve been working – something easy that they’ve done hundreds of times before will get a small paycheck, but something new, scary, or challenging will make manna rain from the sky! - What will happen to my pet if he gets it wrong?
We’ll take away access to something they want – food, toys, affection, or something else. They won’t experience intentional fear or pain, but they won’t get goodies either. Then we’ll look at the situation and adjust the scenario so they have a better chance of getting it right on our next attempt! There are no Oscar Losers – it’s an honor just to be nominated.
- Are there any less invasive alternatives to what you propose?
Usually not – but we are always looking!
Other websites we really enjoy are:
Cat Behavior Associates
Malena DeMartini – Separation Anxiety